Friday, November 22, 2013

Reflections on Psalms 23

 Psalms 23(Contemporary English Version)
  1. (A psalm by David.) You, LORD, are my shepherd. I will never be in need.
  2. You let me rest in fields of green grass. You lead me to streams of peaceful water,
  3. and you refresh my life. You are true to your name, and you lead me along the right paths.
  4. I may walk through valleys as dark as death, but I won't be afraid. You are with me, and your shepherd's rod makes me feel safe.
  5. You treat me to a feast, while my enemies watch. You honor me as your guest, and you fill my cup until it overflows.
  6. Your kindness and love will always be with me each day of my life, and I will live forever in your house, LORD.

Those for whom the Lord is their shepherd lack nothing, David says. Then he proceeds to support this statement with what the Lord provides.

First, we are nourished, both physically and spiritually, as we "lie down in green pastures." and are led "beside the still waters." The Lord also provides us spiritual restoration as He "renews my life." Furthermore He leads us along the right path that guides us in the life He has provided us. And then He keeps us from danger, going with us through the dark valleys of life. Therefore, we need not fear.

The scene then changes from a shepherd in green pastures to a banquet table which is set in "the presence of my enemies." This scene conveys an image of all God's blessings being provided us in full view of our enemies. In other words, though in God's care we lack nothing, it is not in the absence of life's threats that we receive these. With the image of being in the care of the shepherd who lets us lie down in green pastures and leads us beside quet waters, we may envision being withdrawn from life and its difficulties in order to enjoy the nourishment and restoration the Lord provides.

With such an image we may picture ourselves swinging back and forth between this idyllic setting with the Lord as our shepherd and then back to the treadmill of life. David is saying to us that this isn't quite the way it is. Rather than withdrawning from the difficulties of life to enjoy the Lord's provisions, He lays them before us in the midst of life. We don't have to withdraw to enjoy the Lord's blessings. He provides these blessings in spite of life's challenges. Or as David says in this psalm, "in the presence of my enemies." whatever they may be.

If all that has gone before is true, then "Only goodness and faithful love will pursue me all the days of my life, and I will dwell in the house of the LORD as long as I live." (23:6)

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