Reflections for this date are based on the following scripture passages: | ||||||
Acts 19 | Acts 20 | Acts 21 | Genesis 33 | Genesis 34 | Psalms 14 | Proverbs 5 |
We are complex beings with many forces pulling us in various directions to the point we often are not even aware of our own motives. Why do we do what we do? We certainly wonder why we are motivated to do evil, hurting ourselves and others, but why, even, do we do the good we do? We might even ask, is a good deed good if done without good intent, or is it importantly only that we have done the good?
Jeremiah 17:9 tells us that, "The heart is more deceitful than anything else and desperately sick--who can understand it?" This excludes even ourselves who lack understanding of our own hearts. And yet we are told by many to "follow your heart." This might not be the most sound advice if we are deceived by our own hearts. And if our hearts are directing us in harmful directions if could be particularly unsound advice.
An account is given in Acts chapter 19 of a person attempting to do good for the wrong reason. "God was performing extraordinary miracles by Paul's hands," we are told. Some, who were not followers of Jesus, observed Paul casting out evil spirits from people in the name of Jesus, so they thought they might do the same, invoking Jesus' name as if there was something magic in the name itself. Whether or not these men recognized their own motives, the evil spirits knew they were frauds, saying, "Jesus I know, and Paul I recognize--but who are you?" Then the spirits, acting through the man they possessed, overpowered the men and beat them.
Why do we do the good we do? It is good to always keep in touch with our motives. But if our hearts are deceitful, how can we be sure of our motives? In response to the statement in Jeremiah 17:9 telling us of the deceit of the heart, God said, "I, the LORD, examine the mind, I test the heart to give to each according to his way." Only God knows our true motives. This is another very important reason to keep in touch with God, allowing Him to reveal to us the intent of our hearts, keeping us in touch with our true motives.
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