Reflections for this date are based on the following scripture passages: | ||||||
James 4 | James 5 | Exodus 19 | Exodus 20 | Psalms 30 |
Life is precious and not to be wasted or misused, but is it possible that we sometimes take it too seriously? For those who might take life or themselves too seriously, James' statement in James 4:14 provides a reality check as he says, "For you are a bit of smoke that appears for a little while, then vanishes." This statement is addressed to those who make plans as if they are in control of their own destiny. James was pointing out to them, and to us, that we are not in control of our destinies for we "don't even know what tomorrow will bring." (V. 14)
So if we are not in control what are we to do? Eat, drink, and be merry, not taking anything seriously? James says what we are to say, "If the Lord wills, we will live and do this or that." We are to turn over each day to the One who is in control, submitting our plans to Him. So what if our plans fail or circumstances keep them from happening? We accept, as from the Lord, the circumstances for which we did not plan. While some plans we make are not terribly significant to us and bring only irritation when they were subverted by circumstances, other plans are very important to us and our lives are turned upside down when life cancels them. In some instances we may even wonder if life is worth living. Some, in fact, have ended their lives when certain plans were denied them.
James' advise places our plans in their proper perspective. They are just our plans, after all, and subject to the Lord's approval. Besides, life is a gift from God that is fully appreciated only when we accept His plans for them. Along with this gift of life God offers us a choice. Accept this life as His gift to us and give it back to Him to direct our plans, and in turn He offers us life beyond our time on earth. Or, we take this life God has given us and hold selfishly to it as if it is ours and ours alone, not even recognizing the One who made us and gave us life. With this choice, this life is all we get. Only death awaits beyond this life which is only "a bit of smoke that appears for a little while."
So how do we choose?
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