Reflections for this date are based on the following scripture passages: | ||||||
Galatians 4 | Galatians 5 | Galatians 6 | Numbers 4 | Numbers 5 | Psalms 53 |
All of us are slaves, whether by choice or by default. The question is whether or not we have masters who are concerned for our well-being. Unlike some forms of slavery, though, we can choose to whom or what we will be slaves. But first, we must recognize our slavery and wish to change it.
We are all born into slavery to sin. Jesus said that "Everyone who commits sin is a slave to sin." (John 8:34) Though this sounds as if we are given a loophole in Jesus' statement and we are only slaves to sin if we commit sin, none of us are free from sin. As Paul said in Romans 3:23, "All have sinned and fall short of the glory of God." In an effort to break free from this slavery to sin, some turn to the law or to religion and unwittingly become subject to another form of slavery. This form can place a heavy burden on a person and yet not free them from their slavery to sin. Whatever form this slavery takes, the person is caught in an endless cycle. Though both law and religion promise to provide forgiveness for sin, neither gives one power over sin. So a person is caught in an endless cycle of sinning and working to gain forgiveness. Meanwhile, there is no promise of salvation in this form of slavery for should one die before gaining forgiveness for sins committed, they are lost.
But thank God, a third option is available to us. Through faith in Jesus Christ we have forgiveness for sin once for all. His death atones for all sin, past, present, and future. When by faith we receive His gift of forgiveness, His Spirit comes into us giving us power to overcome sin. No, we do not become perfectly sinless, but we are no longer slaves to sin, and when we do sin He is ready and willing to forgive us when we confess it and repent of it.
Paul spoke of being a slave of Jesus Christ, but it was not a slavery that was forced upon him but something he freely chose. It was through this form of slavery that Paul - and all of us - become truly free. Free from sin and free from all forms of religion that falsely promise something they cannot provide. Neither do they provide freedom from sin or true forgiveness.
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