Thursday, June 9, 2016

Putting First Things First

Reflections for this date are based on the following scripture passages:
Matthew 6

Most of us spend a great deal of time and energy worrying about things over which we have little or no control. Things, for instance, such as our lives, the food we will eat, or the clothing we will wear. But Jesus said that we should "seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness and all these things will be provided for you."

Jesus wasn't saying that these things are not important, only that we should make first things first. And the thing we should make first, He said, is "the kingdom of God and His righteousness." Neither was Jesus saying we should do nothing to provide ourselves with food or clothing. He was simply saying we need to get our priorities straight. The truth He wants us to learn is that if we will put Him first in our life we will have everything else we need, when we need them.

Jesus gave some examples of how nature is taken care of. Birds seek food when they need it but do not store up extra for fear of what the future may hold. Wildflowers grow in the field unattended, but even Solomon in his kingly splendor was not adorned any better. Then Jesus admonished His listeners saying, "If that's how God clothes the grass of the field, which is here today and thrown into the furnace tomorrow, won't He do much more for you--you of little faith?"

Some might mistake Jesus' instructions to suggest that we don't need to do anything to provide for our needs. No, He was not encouraging laziness. He taught against laziness. Rather, He was teaching priorities in life. The main priority being God - to seek Him above all else. When we get this priority right other priorities begin to fall into place. When material concerns are no longer our first priority no longer do we misuse them or squander them, for they are no longer as important as before. Nor are we making decisions as we once did.

Putting God first in our lives means seeking Him and spending time with Him. It means seeking His guidance for how we use our time and our money. It means looking to Him for the decisions and choices we make. And along with these changes comes an inner peace and joy. Life is as it should be and we are no longer stressed about things that we need not be stressed about.

But we must first accept that God has made us His first priority.

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