Psalm 113 (Contemporary English Version)
- Shout praises to the LORD! Everyone who serves him, come and praise his name.
- Let the name of the LORD be praised now and forever.
- From dawn until sunset the name of the LORD deserves to be praised.
- The LORD is far above all of the nations; he is more glorious than the heavens.
- No one can compare with the LORD our God. His throne is high above,
- and he looks down to see the heavens and the earth.
- God lifts the poor and needy from dust and ashes,
- and he lets them take part in ruling his people.
- When a wife has no children, he blesses her with some, and she is happy. Shout praises to the LORD!
Psalm 113 is another of the general praise psalms, starting with Hallelujah and ending with Hallelujah. It has two sections, both giving reasons to praise the Lord. In the first section the reasons given to praise the Lord relate to His greatness. He is exalted above all the nations, His glory is above the heavens, and there is none other like the Lord our God who humbles Himself to give attention to the heavens and the earth. This last statement sets the stage for the second section which gives reason to praise the Lord because He cares for those in need. He raises the poor from the dust and the needy from the garbage pile and seats them in places of plenty. He gives children to the childless woman. It would be my guess that these specific reasons spoke to a particular situation at the time the psalm was written. There are so many reasons that could be provided we might give different reasons were we writing it that spoke more directly to our concerns. All true of what the Lord does for us.
Which section draws us more to praise the Lord? Is it the first which speaks of who He is or the second which speaks of what He does? Are we drawn to God because of His greatness or because of what He can do for us? In other words, is it about you (me) or is it about God? I would say that for me it has moved over time. As I consciously began to give God praise from the heart rather than as a ritual you do when at church, it was more about me and what God had done for me. But gradually over time it has moved to become more about God and who He is. In the earlier years of my spiritual journey my desire for God was a lot about, "What have you done for me lately?" In my mind He was great when good things were happening, but I was questioning "Why me?" when bad things happened. Circumstances played a big role in my feelings of praise toward God. I am more able now to see Him as a great God worthy of praise regardless of circumstances. I know that He loves me and has consistently and wonderfully blessed my life over the years. And I also know that regardless of circumstances He will provide for me. So, regardless of circumstances I now know that He is worthy of my praise.
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