Psalms 115 (Contemporary English Version)
- We don't deserve praise! The LORD alone deserves all of the praise, because of his love and faithfulness.
- Why should the nations ask, "Where is your God?"
- Our God is in the heavens, doing as he chooses.
- The idols of the nations are made of silver and gold.
- They have a mouth and eyes, but they can't speak or see.
- Their ears can't hear, and their noses can't smell.
- Their hands have no feeling, their legs don't move, and they can't make a sound.
- Everyone who made the idols and all who trust them are just as helpless as those useless gods.
- People of Israel, you must trust the LORD to help and protect you.
- Family of Aaron the priest, you must trust the LORD to help and protect you.
- All of you worship the LORD, so you must trust him to help and protect you.
- The LORD will not forget to give us his blessing; he will bless all of Israel and the family of Aaron.
- All who worship the LORD, no matter who they are, will receive his blessing.
- I pray that the LORD will let your family and your descendants always grow strong.
- May the LORD who created the heavens and the earth give you his blessing.
- The LORD has kept the heavens for himself, but he has given the earth to us humans.
- The dead are silent and cannot praise the LORD,
- but we will praise him now and forevermore. Shout praises to the LORD!
Most people struggle to varying degrees as to whether there is a God or not, but it has always amazed me that anyone could even remotely believe that an object they made themselves is a god. Maybe this is because my concept of God has always been tied to creation and in so thinking, God is greater, by far, than what He has created. This includes us. But whether or not a god is connected with creation, it at least must be greater than we are to be able to do what we cannot. How could this ever be possible for an inanimate object? Well, that seems to be the argument of the writer in this psalm. The idols are helpless.
In my mind, the dilemma for the atheist is similar to that of the one who worships an object he has made and calls it god. The worshiper of the object (idol) has the impossible task of explaining in any believable way how his object is god instead of the God of the bible. So it is with the atheist. By rejecting the God of the bible he finds himself at a loss to explain our existence or the existence of anything in terms that are even as believable as believing in God. Many such explanations I have heard or read give me the impression that the person's rejection of God is not for intellectual reasons, as they say it is, but simply because they don't want there to be a God. It is as if they will accept almost any explanation for how we exist except for God.
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