Friday, February 27, 2009

Reflections on Psalm 93

    Psalm 93 (Contemporary English Version)

  1. Our LORD, you are King! Majesty and power are your royal robes. You put the world in place, and it will never be moved.
  2. have always ruled, and you are eternal.
  3. ocean is roaring, LORD! The sea is pounding hard.
  4. mighty waves are majestic, but you are more majestic, and you rule over all.
  5. decisions are firm, and your temple will always be beautiful and holy.

Psalm 93 is said to be "a psalm that was made to be sung the day before the sabbath; and it was a custom with the Jews to sing it on the sixth day of the week" (John Gill). Its subject matter is the kingdom of God: "The Lord reigns! He is robed in majesty." The psalm's intent is to instill confidence in those who are a part of the kingdom of God. This kingdom is firmly established and cannot be shaken, and the king (God) has been established from the beginning and is eternal. The floods spoken of in verses 3 and 4 are symbolic of threats or assaults on the kingdom. But greater than the forces that assault the kingdom is the majesty of the Lord. An even greater assurance, I believe, is given in verse 5. "Your testimonies are completely reliable." God's word is reliable. If I cannot depend on it I cannot depend on his majesty and power against assault or anything else. For it is God's word that first tells me of His greatness. So when trouble comes I rely on it before I see His protection and care. Did not God speak creation into existence? Is not Christ the Word become flesh? In fact, John 1:1 tells us that "In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God." God's word is eternal as He is eternal. It is reliable, a reality that gives me more confidence than any other.

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